JsDataTable is designed to present existing data. This data will be gatherd from your wordpress posts. And of course you can type in all data into the posts. But if you are going build your website just as a visual fronted to present data from other sources, you can transfer that foreign data into your wordpress database. This could be in a local file on your harddisk or a remote server on the internet (like an OpenDataServer). This foreign data source could cover the CSV-, JSON- or XML-format if you apply the well-known plugin “WP All Import” (pro version). It’s really a great tool and highly recommended by the author to assign data to wordpress.


Her are some selected plugin features:
  • Easy mappings (assign fieldnames to your wp fields)
    • Visual drag & drop fieldnames from the CSV, JSON, XML source onto any other wordpress fieldname
    • Move the data into regular wordpress post fields or into wordpress custom post fields
    • Save configuration settings to tempates to reuse them later again
  • The plugin can also import assigned categories and tags from the source
  • The datasource could be the URL or a local file on your harddisk
  • Aktivate cronjobs, if you want to re-run imorts permanently
  • New-, Update- and Delete-operations focused on former imported records
    • This is useful if you re-import imports persistently
You can import HTML-Code from foreign sources into wordpress

While importing data from a foreign source, thisone can also contain “HTML-code”. Therefore prepare your CSV-, JSON- or XML-code and just be sure to apply the regular known CDATA-notation, to lodge the HTML-code inside your importfile.

EXAMPLE 1: Your importfile (XML-format) without CDATA

<YourFieldname1>This is your title</YourFieldname1>
<YourFieldname2>This ist a regular text without any HTML-Markup.</YourFieldname2>

EXAMPLE 2: Your importfile (XML-format) with a CDATA notation. The green colored parts represents the HTML-code which you want to import to a wordpress post

<YourFieldname1>This is your title</YourFieldname1>
<YourFieldname2><![CDATA[<strong>Example Example This is a text including some HTML-Markup Example Example</strong><p>Example Exampe Examle &quot;Another HTML-Markup here&quot; Example Example.</p>]]></YourFieldname2>