To display data within the DataTable, you need to use a search condition inside your shortcode. The search condition retrieves the data from the wordpress database. Right here at this point you can use your regular well-known wordpress categories and tags. This taxonomies are your key to unlock the door.

The following syntax is ok


[[jsdatatable category=YourCategory]]
[[jsdatatable cat=YourCategory]]  


[[jsdatatable tag=YourTag]]

A short syntax version
Within the shortcode you can also use a long syntax or the shorter notation if you prefer. The acronym for “cat” is “category” (see above).

Please use the slug instead of the full long category-/tag name
As the value “YourCategory” or “YourTag” please insert your slug. Don’t apply the long full name from your category or from your tag.

A combination with both arguments is valid
You can reduce the number of rows in your table if you combine both arguments. The following syntax works like an “AND“-condition:

[[jsdatatable cat=YourCategory tag=YourTag]]

Show all posts from the database
If you really would like to print all wordpress posts from your database within your table (without any search condition), you can use the value “all“. But be careful if you have a huge among of posts in your wordpress database. It’s up to you, how you define your personal limit for “huge among“. Just take care about performance issues if you use a very long DataTables. It’s recommended to stay less than 1000 records inside a DataTable…

[[jsdatatable cat=all]]


[[jsdatatable tag=all]]

Default shown data fields inside the table
If you use jsdatatable-shortcode without any further modificatons, by default the following 3 post fields appear as columns within the table:

1.) title
2.) author
3.) published (this means the post date).

Of course you can customize this default settings (columns), by using the cols-argument.

You can use upper case or lower case
The notation makes no difference, both variations can be used:

[[jsdatatable CAT=YourCategory]] or [[jsdatatable cat=YourCategory]]

[[jsdatatable TAG=YourTag]] or [[jsdatatable tag=YourTag]]

The following syntax is not ok


Don’t use the (regular) full category name or the (regular) full tag name as follows:

[[jsdatatable cat="This is your regular full long Category Name"]]


[[jsdatatable tag="This is your reguar full long Tag Name"]]

Don’t use combined search items as follows:

[[jsdatatable cat=slug1,slug2,slug3]] or [[jsdatatable tag=slug1,slug2,slug3]]

Don’t use a custom field within a search condition as follows:

[[jsdatatable YourCustomField=YourValue]]

CAT + TAG ⇒ Here are some live examples

Please click on the links below and check out the difference:

[jsdatatable tag=example-cat-tag cols=pos,title,comment head=”POS,Use this shortcode:,Note” searching=off]